Based on the Oscar-winning 1994 film, PRISCILLA QUEEN OF THE DESERT is the hilarious adventure of three friends who hop aboard a battered old bus called Priscilla bound for the outback and Alice Springs to put on the show of a lifetime. Their epic journey is a heart-warming story of self-discovery, sassiness and acceptance. PRISCILLA QUEEN OF THE DESERT is much more than just great songs and fantastic costumes. It is an award winning uplifting musical experience which brings joy, inspiration, encourages strength and laughter.

Coffs Harbour Musical Comedy Company Presents

Priscilla Queen of the Desert The Musical **LAST TIX**


Friday 4 – Sun 27 November


Friday 4 November 7:00pm

Saturday 5 November 2:00pm & 7:00pm

Sunday 6 November 2:00pm

Wednesday 9 November 7:00pm

Friday 11 November 7:00pm

Saturday 12 November 2:00pm & 7:00pm

Sunday 13 November 2:00pm

Wednesday 16 November 7:00pm

Friday 18 November 7:00pm

Saturday 19 November 2:00pm & 7:00pm

Sunday 20 November 2:00pm

Wednesday 23 November 7:00pm

Friday 25 November 7:00pm

Saturday 26 November 2:00pm & 7:00pm

Sunday 27 November 2:00pm

Ticket Prices:

Adult: $36

Concession: $30

Group 10+: $20



2.5 hours including interval

Audience Warnings:

Recommended for 15+ years. Adult themes including sex, death and cross-dressing are referenced in the musical, which is set in 1994 and contains some language and attitudes considered unacceptable and offensive today.

We suggest our audiences take a moment to reflect how far we have come since that time.

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