Call 02 6648 4930
Producer Organisation Name:
Event title:
Organisation URL:
Organistation Email:
Jetty Memorial Theatre (Go to 3)Other Venue (Please click button below to show details)
Venue Name:
Venue Address:
Mailing Address:
Venue Capacity: (exact or approx)
Venue Phone:
Venue Fax:
Venue Website:
Venue Email:
Venue Parking: (i.e off street, undercover etc)
Venue Description: (to appear on web sales screen)
Jetty Memorial Theatre has 252 available seats (plus 3 for staffing purposes) General AdmissionReserved Seating
Number of house seats required: —Please choose an option—Less than 10More than 10
Please indicate which seats you would like as house seats:
Other requirements
Do you require any seating removed for performance purposes? —Please choose an option—No I don'tYes, Less than 10Yes, More than 10
Reasoning (e.g. Orchestra):
Any other holds?
NB. The Jetty Theatre does not do price scaling. Price scales only apply to external venues.
Under 21
Group number: —Please choose an option—6+8+10+School group
Group Price:
All tickets
Children (under 16)
Family (2 Adult + 2 Child)
Not for profit Organisation Per ticket sold = $2.00 Per Complimentary = $0.50
Must display “plus booking fee” on all promo material.
Commercial Hire Per ticket sold = $3.00 Per Complimentary = $1.00
Must display “includes booking fees” on all promo material.
Give details:
Please enter all performance dates below:
Special Price? yes
Please contact our bookings office on 66484933 for further assistance
Additional information:
Event Title:
Short description: This is used in the preview box on the front page
Event Description: This can be the same as the ticket description - write 'as in ticketing' if you want the same information here
Audience warnings regarding content:
Duration of performance: (incl. interval)
Does your performance include an interval? YesNo
Producer & or Presenter credits:
Producer & or Event website:
Please submit an image for use on the website and foyer screen at the following dimensions:
Homepage feature image: 1920 (wide) x 600 (high):
Show image: 1000 (wide) x 720 (high):
Digital foyer screen: 1080 (wide) x 1920 (high)
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Any other requests:
Your Name:
Your Email:
Your thoughts/feedback:
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