Call 02 6648 4930
Full Name (Required):
Email (Required):
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Address (Required):
Alternate Address:
Wooden Base 4 seat (21 available):
Wooden Base 5 seat (7 available):
Iron Base 4 seat (14 available):
Iron Base 11 seat (8 available):
Iron Base 12 seat (one available):
Donation to JMT trust (per seat):
I am willing to be contacted for a follow-up story on the new location of seats: YesNo
Please tell us about your interest in claiming seats:
Which of the following best describes you or your organisation: —Please choose an option—Local community groupGroup with links to HeritageCommunity based organisation with a primary focus on arts and cultureApplicants passionate about vintage and historical décorNone of the above
Your Name:
Your Email:
Your thoughts/feedback:
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