Rapper Beacho2700 launches his first album FROM THE GROUND UP in January 2023 with a NSW live tour in Jerilderie, Narrandera, Sydney and Coffs Harbour.
At just 16, Beacho2700 is young talented up-and-coming professional rap artist from the Western Riverina whose original tracks are available through Spotify, Apple Music, Instagram, Youtube and Sound Cloud. Joining him on the tour are two other young collaborators, Jacky Serg from Narrandera and Rutho from Coffs Harbour.
2022 was a big year for Beacho2700 who professionally recorded with Kiln Studios, Heaps Decent, The Cad Factory and Songmakers. These tracks are now getting radio play and an expanded listenership online. In November 2022 he was Western Riverina Arts ‘Artist of the Month’ and is now being booked for some big opportunities which include Burrundi Theatre’s ‘Warangesda Festival’ where he joins Philly, Dizzy Doolan and others in February 2023.
As a proud First Nations singer and songwriter, Beacho2700 describes how important his Wiradjuri Culture is to his art: “It’s everything, it’s good being On Country, learning everything…NDA (a local term for Narrandera) it means everything to me…all the local kids all know me. It’s the place we rap about. It’s where we come from, being on Wiradjuri Land, I pay respect to the Elders, where we are doing stuff On Country, they are the ones before us.” He says that, “the most important song that I have written, the one that means the most to me, is ‘Cultural Proud’ . It’s about Aboriginal culture and all the things that have happened over the years, like back into the past coming into the future, and what’s getting changed.”
Supported by Western Riverina Arts Inc
Beacho2700 Presents
Sunday 22 January
1:30- 3:00pm
All tix: $21
Parent/ guardian of underage ticket holder (11-18 years): Free Entry
90 minutes no interval
Suitable for ages 11+
Ages 11-18 must be accompanied by a parent/ guardian or ‘responsible adult’